Online Medical Clinic in BC for Booking Appointment with Doctor

Connect to WalkInVirtualClinic and save yourself the hassle of wait times in filthy, crowded walk-in clinics. Our online medical clinic helps BC residents get access to healthcare wherever they are, whenever they need.

Benefit from community care :

Access anywhere | Compatible with British Columbia MSP | Free for patients | Fast online bookings for walk-in clinic

healthcare system improve with online medical clinic BC

Clinical Medical Assistant Online Is Possible Now

Giving the Gift of Health to BC Residents

WalkInVirtualClinic has a proven history of providing BC residents access to doctors through our online medical clinic. BC patients can obtain quality healthcare no matter where they are in the province, all paid for by BC’s Medical Services Program.

Your Safe and Secure Online Doctor Clinic BC

Make healthcare simple with walk-in clinic online appointments by WalkInVirtualClinic. Skip the germy waiting rooms and difficult secretaries and book your medical clinic visit online. Collaborate with the team at our online doctor clinic and develop a health plan that works for you and your body. Our proprietary system keeps your data safe and lets you consult with a doctor at our BC online clinic completely confidential and covered by provincial healthcare.

Medical Clinic Online Booking Made Easy


Your time and date with our medical clinic online booking system.


Your symptoms and history with your GP at our online doctor clinic.


your doctor’s note, specialist referral, lab requisition or prescription.

Changing BC Healthcare One Virtual Appointment at a Time

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues and Canadians stay at home, telehealth bridges the gap between patients’ accessibility and health needs. WalkInVirtualClinic’s secure online medical clinic helps BC residents receive the care they need—all from the comfort and safety of their homes. Register with the best online clinic in your area and receive a walk-in clinic online appointment same- or next-day.

Our clinical medical assistant provides online access to BC doctors for specialist referrals, prescription renewals, and notes for insurance and workplaces. Our online medical clinic can also help:

  • Integrate patient care regimens with pharmacies and family doctors
  • Create chronic health care management plans for patients with chronic conditions
  • Replace visits to walk-in clinics with medical clinic online booking
  • Offer patients greater flexibility to suit their schedules
Your Walk-In Clinic Online Appointment

Telemedicine works best when doctors and patients know what to expect. Be prepared with our online clinic best practices:

Fill Out Form

Return the information to the online clinical medical assistant to connect with doctor.

Confirm Appointment

Let our online medical clinic know if the proposed time works for you. Make sure you available at the time

Write Out Medical Issue

Try to remember when you first noticed your symptoms and how they’ve evolved over time.

Confirm Coverage

Appointments at our online medical clinic are free for BC residents covered by the MSP.

Review Medical History

We need your complete medical history and any medications you’ve taken or are currently taking.

Meet with Your Doctor

Get same- or next-day service and attend your walk-in clinic online appointment with our doctor.

Make Your Walk-In Clinic Online Appointment Now
  • Standard waiting room time in British Columbia walk-in clinics is 3 hours
  • With WalkInVirtualClinic’s online medical clinic you’ll be seen in half the time or less
  • Parking, fees and lost work adds up to hidden costs for in-person medical visits
  • All BC online clinic visits are covered by Medical Services Program
  • Patients can get access to healthcare without placing their health in jeopardy
  • See a doctor today or next-day, guaranteed
Hassle Out of Online Booking for Medical Clinic

When illness strikes, the prospect of traveling to an understaffed walk-in clinic is a nightmare, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and an ongoing doctor shortage in BC. WalkInVirtualClinic bridges the gaps between patients and doctors with their secure medical clinic online booking service.

From the Pacific ocean to the Rockies, BC has the best natural scenery in the country – except for the chronic doctor shortages and high cost of parking and grimy offices. BC residents access our online medical clinic through WalkInVirtualClinic.


Our secure online booking for walk-in clinic visits can get patients:

  • Specialist referrals
  • Written prescriptions
  • Lab work requisitions at the touch of a button
  • Easy online booking for medical clinics

WalkInVirtualClinic’s basic appointments are covered for eligible members of OHIP, AHCIP and BC MSP.

After you’ve confirmed your appointment through an application form, you will receive a secure link sent to your email providing you direct access to our online medical clinic from BC.

The doctors at our online medical clinic are BC certified and licensed to practice and prescribe within Canada.


Authentic Testimonials from Patients of Our Bc Online Medical Clinic

Terrance C. Kee Abbotsford, BC

I got food poisoning and missed an important assignment. This site literally saved my life – I got a doctors’ note the same day.

Daniel Tyson Kelowna, BC

I worried I wouldn’t be able to figure out how to use the online booking for the walk-in clinic, but this service was easy to understand.

Nettie A. Wirtz Nanaimo, BC

My kids came down with the flu as I was leaving for work – WalkInVirtualClinic’s online medical clinic gave me peace of mind.